Juvenile Defense Attorney In San Diego County

In a situation where your child is arrested for committing a crime, you will need access to competent counsel as they come before the court’s power. Luckily, Neal Gibbons Attorney At Law is here to help you. Our seasoned juvenile defense attorney in San Diego County will provide legal advice counsel to ensure the defense systems established for youth operate fairly and humanely.
Here are some additional reasons why you should hire our defense attorney:

Wide Range of White-Collar Experience

At Neal Gibbons Attorney At Law, our juvenile defense attorney has solid experience in the industry, so he has the knowledge and expertise necessary to defend your child against their charges. Our attorney at law also has a comprehensive understanding of the legislation, so he knows how to navigate the court system properly. This can be highly beneficial in getting the best possible results for your child.


You may find it difficult to be objective when it comes to your child. Our juvenile defense attorney can look at the situation objectively and decide based on your child’s best interest. He will not be emotional about the case because it can sometimes cloud judgment.

Compassionate Representation

Our juvenile defense attorney will represent your child compassionately. We understand this is a tough and confusing time for you and your family, so we will do everything possible to help you.
Contact us today to learn more about our legal services. We work to provide practical solutions to real-world legal problems.